Hormonal Imbalance


Hormones are delicate chemical messengers in our body that need to be in perfect balance for optimal functioning. If even one hormone is out of sync, there will be huge chaos in our body. With early menarchy on the rise, girls as young as 8 or 9 years old are attaining puberty. This is at least 4 to 5 years earlier than how it was 20 years ago. Infertility issues are also on the rise. If you are experiencing any of the following, I can help you to balance your hormones naturally with food, and without the side effects of synthetic medicines.




Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS/PCOD)


Uterine fibroids

Ovarian cysts

Irregular menstrual cycle


Difficulty getting pregnant

Pre-natal, peri-natal and post-natal support

Pre-menstrual symptoms (PMS): Acne, painful menstrual cramps, excessive bleeding, hot flashes,  weight gain, sore/tender breasts, leg/back pain, night sweats.

You are 4 steps away from a better HEALTH!

What  clients say!

By Priyadarshini 23 Dec, 2020
"I couldn't believe the changes in my body during such a short period. I saw a lot of changes physically from glow on my face to a toned body."
By Vani. CS 23 Dec, 2020
"Couple of months following her protocol, my cycles became regular and started losing weight. I got pregnant naturally and delivered my second baby."
By Johane Marcellus 10 May, 2020
"Following the therapy with a nutritionist like Hema is a gift of life. She helped me take care of myself, my body and the nutritional needs specific to my fibroid problem."
By Riddhi Soni 12 Mar, 2020
"My cycles became more regular after 3 months and I stopped experiencing random headaches and hot flashes as well. So evidently, I was able to benefit a lot by this change in my diet."
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